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performance work with set material

Client: Nuit Blanche 

Location: Nuit Blanche Festival Toronto

Role: Performance Artists and Fabricators

Would you like a baby?

Set on the Garrison Common, part of the old military grounds at Fort York, “Everyone Wants a Free Baby!” plays with themes of birth, power and collective experience. Every 15 minutes, a new (toy) baby was shot from a customized cannon, slowly descending towards the crowd below, as if dropped by the fabled stork. This project invites the audience to consider creation and destruction as parallels to two of our strongest and most complex human instincts: the desire to nurture and the need to compete. Pitching violence against tenderness and greed against selflessness, the work playfully asked the audience to participate in an act of transformation themselves. One of the most recognizable symbols of warfare in Western culture, the cannon, is turned into a generative tool, literally launching new life into the audience’s midst. (Text: Artspin, Layne Hinton, Rui Pimenta)


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